
Unite for the Cause

   Written by on October 7, 2020 at 1:38 pm

Dear Editor,

Received mailing from the Democratic Party of Virginia yesterday about why I should not vote for Daniel Gates. It stated that wearing masks saves lives. I agree, they do. When I grind metal or concrete, I wear a mask. When I sand sheetrock, I wear a mask. Cutting grass? I wear a mask if it is dry. It helps to cut down on dust that is in the air.

But if you THINK that it will help to protect you from a virus…. do you know how small viruses are? It also states that he doesn’t listen to science, facts or medical experts. That’s surprising because he had his right leg blown off in Iraq. To question his love for America all the Democrats should have to do is look where right leg was. If you are a veteran look at his record for what he did for us. If you don’t care what happen to this country….then vote for those communist think baby killers who haven’t served a day for this great land. Last let me say that I don’t like Trump the man but I like what he has done while so many are after him. This country isn’t perfect. I wish we could work together and work towards that goal.

Signed, “an armed protester” but not a rioter,

Michael Antonellini 


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