
Things to Ponder 2

   Written by on December 10, 2015 at 1:48 pm

Allow me, if you will, to share more of the timely items I’ve collected from the Internet and other places.  If you have any short pieces that might be uplifting or thought-provoking for others, feel free to send them to me.  Provide your name and should I use it, I will give you logo-wee-notescredit. Likewise, please send information as to who authored it if possible. My contact information is included at the end of this article.


Frederick Douglass said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

I think we would agree with that statement. Look in any prison across the United States and beyond to gain some perspective.


Kindness is a word that can mean so many things.  It is a way of thinking of others, a way of letting others know they are important to you.  Kindness can be shown in many ways.  Sometimes it is a touch at just the right moment.  Sometimes it is a word telling somebody you think s/he is pretty special.  Sometimes it is something you do that lets someone special know you love him/her. And sometimes it is what others do for you as they take care of you.



Start and end my day counting my blessings.

Say thank you.

Be kind to myself and others.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, and Keep Smiling!

Enjoy, Lie, Laugh.

~Inspire Positive Soul Sensations


Dear Weary Mom, I am weary too. You are not alone. You are stronger than you think you are.  You will get through.  What you do is amazing. You matter! ~ Attachment Parenting


Don’t you give up.  Don’t you quit.  You keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead… It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.  ~Jeffrey R. Holland


Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself. ~Desiderius Erasmus


It is when our children try our patience the hardest that they need it the most. ~L.R.Knost


The secret to a peaceful response is ‘Stop, Drop, & Roll.’  STOP and breathe through your initial stress reaction.  DROP what you’re doing and focus on your child for a few minutes. ROLL with whatever your child is feeling that is causing them to act out. Reflect what they are feeling, offer comfort and support, and reconnect with a few minutes of cuddling or reading a story together or by playing with your child for a few minutes. It may feel like you’re taking time OUT of your day, but you’re actually investing time IN your day by investing time in your child. ~L.R.Knost

©2015 Brenda Holland-Robinson 

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