
Pride Days

   Written by on June 21, 2023 at 3:11 pm

June is “Pride Month.”   What I want to know is why can’t I have a Pride Day or Month?  I think it is great to be proud of your achievements. We should all show more pride in our accomplishments.

Still, it seems that most of the “Pride Events” somehow are related to sexual activity or related issues. When is Monogamous Marriage Month? 

We celebrate “Father’s Day” but any man can be a father. How about a Daddy’s Day for the men who actually take the responsibility for their children seriously?  Ditto a Mom’s Month.

I would like to propose a Sexual Secret Season where everyone celebrates their own choices but DON’T have to tell everyone else about what they like and what they do. On second thought let’s just make that a permanent thing.

Everyone seems to want to force me to support THEIR choices but at the same time want to refuse to allow me to have a differing opinion.

I totally support your right to celebrate anything you like, any decision you make, any eccentricities you might have or any aberrations.

You make your choices.  Celebrate what you want. But why won’t you support me in celebrating what I want?

Why can’t we celebrate with a Financial Failure Fete celebrating those of us who haven’t succeeded financially? 

A while back I was berated by a woman who was wearing an LBGT etc. tee-shirt because I wasn’t wearing shoes. I am tolerant of her choices and her lifestyle, Why isn’t she tolerant of my choices and my lifestyle?

Tolerance isn’t about agreeing with you. Tolerance isn’t about giving you special privileges. Tolerance is allowing you to live your life without any interference or any support from me. That goes both ways.

Support a National Tolerance Month.

Tell Me Why

Almost every week I am called ugly names because someone disagrees with one of my editorials. Fine. I’m used to it. What I would like is if they would tell me WHY I am wrong.  They seldom do.  If they would tell me what is wrong and list facts that prove their point I’ll be glad to reconsider and rebut myself. In any case I will be happy to publish their letters.

I have been called an idiot and a moron. Sorry but those are medical terms referring to a specific IQ and mine is above that.

I have been called a MAGA Republican. While I do believe America is the greatest country on Earth, documented by the millions of people who want to live here and the few who are leaving, I am not a Republican. I am an Independent with Libertarian tendencies.

In short, I believe anyone and everyone should be free to do whatever they want, UNLESS they interfere or damage someone else.

I have been called all kinds of “phobes” even though I have absolutely no phobias of any kind.  

For the record, I have also been called a “Pinko Liberal.”  Although I am not a “Pinko” I think Communism and Socialism sound great but have failed in every case they have been tried. The only people who benefit are the leaders. Capitalism is the only system that benefits everyone. 

Poverty in America is wealth to the majority of the population on Earth.  With few exceptions a poor American is in the top two percent worldwide.

I was told this week my “editorials are filled with lies.” I challenge anyone who says this to take one of my editorials, highlight the lies and provide proof or even opinions on why they are lies. Again, I will print the response exactly as sent.

I make this same offer at least once a year and so far not one person has done this.

I’m still waiting.

Thank You to The Messenger readers and supporters

Last week, The Messenger started our 20th year.  When we started in 2004 we were told by people in the industry that we had absolutely no chance of success. We were told it was impossible for a startup newspaper to compete with Legacy Newspapers. We were told many things that were wrong.

Since then, we have received regular feedback both positive and negative and we thank you for that. At least once a week and sometimes daily, someone tells us, “I love your newspaper.” I wonder how often the Legacy Papers hear that.

The truth is we had a secret weapon. We promised to tell the truth and that no one would be exempt from having their arrest published.

Our promise was to step on any toes that needed stepping on including mine. 

Our secret weapon was YOU.  Without your support and encouragement The Messenger would have failed.

We thank you.

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