
Did They Fix the Hole in the Ozone Layer?

   Written by on February 15, 2023 at 2:40 pm

Years ago the “experts” decided to ban Freon 12 and aerosol cans to “fix” the hole in the ozone layer. This resulted in legislatively making the majority of refrigeration units and air conditioners in the United States obsolete at a phenomenal cost to consumers.

We were told that unless this was done the earth would be destroyed by global warming or global cooling or both.

There was NEVER a total financial or environmental cost calculated before the ban.

It sounded good to the fanatics so they did it. 

The use of Freon 12 was not banned just the manufacture of it.  Other countries can continue to produce and use Freon 12.

Did banning Freon 12 fix the ozone hole?

According to › images › ozone-hole:  The ozone hole is shrinking.  As of Oct 26, 2022 — “The annual Antarctic ozone hole reached an average area of 23.2 million square kilometers between September 7, 2022 and October 13, 2022.”

The United States is 9.834 million square kilometers, making the current ozone hole almost two and a half times bigger than the United States.

We will never know if banning Freon 12 and aerosol cans caused the slight reduction in the size of the hole or if the reduction was a natural occurrence. We do know millions of refrigerators and air conditioners that only needed a recharge were junked, at a huge environmental cost.

How did this help us or the ozone hole?

We should know the truth.

Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

Now, some of the same radicals want to ban carbon-based fuels. This won’t work either. Other countries will continue to use fossil fuels and the amount of pollution will be globally the same. Look up the number of new coal-fired electricity plants in China.

One of our big-shot politicians just promised to phase out gasoline and diesel cars and trucks within 10 years.

Not only can that not be done, even the attempt will bankrupt the country. There is certainly a place for electric vehicles but it will take many decades to perfect them and to replace oil and gas.

It takes more resources to build an EV than a gasoline one. They do not last as long.

All of the bugs will have to be worked out.

The entire national electric grid will have to be reworked. Additional power plants will have to be built.

The U.S. has almost 300 million cars that will have to be replaced and charged. That doesn’t count heavy trucks, construction equipment, farm equipment, lawn mowers, snow blowers, and dozens of other gas powered machines. Shouldn’t electrical production be available first?

How will we power our backup generators when there is a power outage? 

What about Rescue and Fire trucks that often have to run for hours in an emergency, often in situations where there is no available power?

At this time I have at least a dozen gasoline cars and trucks. The oldest is 83 years old – that’s right, eighty-three years old and still runs fine. My newest is 20 years old.

Several of them are only used once a month or so but when I need them nothing else will do. Rufus, my dump truck, is 57 years old.

Isn’t it more environmentally responsible to continue using something for half a century than to replace it when it is still doing the job?

Who Supports


Gasoline Cars?

I have met people who oppose gasoline cars. Almost all of them live in cities with public transportation.  It’s a fact: city people have a different perspective on many things than country folks.

They have public transportation. They have electricity and water and sewer at the curb. In the country, we don’t even have curbs. We have to provide and maintain our own water and sewer. If they fail it is up to us to fix them.

They have a choice of shopping options. If I want Starbucks, I have to drive 22 miles. I suppose I could ride a bicycle but our narrow roads aren’t as safe for bikes as places with bike lanes.

I have only one choice for any building materials locally. Today I need a 16 foot 2×8. Can one of you anti-car folks pick it up and deliver it?  You can use your bike or walk.

Our power grid is pretty good. But our electrical power is out several times a year usually once for between three and ten days. I have a gasoline generator to provide heat, water and refrigeration when the grid is down. That requires 20 gallons of fuel a day, 150 gallons a week.

Thanks to ethanol requirements fuel isn’t stable for even six months. This means I can’t store enough and that requires me to make a 10-mile round trip multiple times to keep my generator running. I can only buy gas because the station also has a generator to run the gas pumps. Again, is one of the anti-car brigade going to pick up fuel for me? I can’t help them with a recharge because the grid is down.

I’m a big fan of protecting the environment but what do people who have paved over all of THEIR environment know about it?

I don’t even live in an ultra-rural area. I live only 70 miles from several cities. There is no town within 20 miles of me that has more than one grocery store.  There are many people in America who don’t have ANY stores within an hour’s drive and I don’t mean city folks who sit in traffic for an hour to go 10 miles.

This is best explained by the woman who recently said, “We don’t need farmers anymore; we have enough grocery stores to supply food.” She knows nothing but her own little world and doesn’t understand how things really work.

AOC and Truth

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York Congresswman) recently addressed Congress on the subject of Hunter Biden’s laptop. If you only watch mainline news you might not know about this. Hunter Biden left his laptop in a repair shop and failed to pick it up. It became the property of the repairman according to the contract. It was filled with pictures that should make us blush. It was filled with questionable business deals that implicate his father Joe Biden.

This story was blocked before the last election and was blocked from Twitter, Facebook and most national media.

AOC stated the information from the laptop was only “half true.”  Which half? How does she know?  Was she involved?

If she is correct, does that mean Hunter Biden was lying half of the time on his OWN laptop? Was he lying to himself half of the time?

This is just plain scary.

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