
Attitude of Gratitude

   Written by on August 26, 2020 at 2:03 pm

Each year our United Methodist Women share a calendar of grateful ideas to consider each day of the week to raise money for a certain project.  As you read the monthly items, you may use the calendar to get your children and you to be more aware of things around them.  Each day you will add coins or paper money for that particular project so have a small box or jar handy.

 If you got out of bed this morning, add $1.00.

Pets in your life? Add them up and give a coin per animal.

Visited the dentist this year?  Add 50 cents for a healthy smile.

Have you seen or heard any birds or wildlife today?  Add a coin for each bird or animal.

Plants in your home?  Add a coin for each bit of greenery (not artificial).

Letters or cards in the mail?  Add a coin for each piece of mail today.

Had coffee, tea or a soft drink today?  Add a coin for the choices you have.

Vitamins or medicine?  Add a coin for each pill you take.

Over two billion people around the world live on less than $2.00 a day.  Give $2.00.

States you have visited in your life.  Add a coin for each state or country.

Isn’t electricity wonderful?  Count the lamps in your home and add a coin for each.

A warm bed is a gift that many in the world do not have.  Add a coin for each bed in your home.

More than three pairs of shoes in your closet?  Add a coin for each pair.

Plenty of food to eat?  Give a coin for each can, box or bag in your pantry.

Have close friends who bless your life?  Add a coin for each phone call or text this week.

Attended church last Sunday?  Think of those blessings and add a coin for each.

Watched television today?  Add a coin for each TV show you watched.

How many pairs of eyeglasses do you own?  Add a coin for each pair.

Visited a garden and smelled the flowers? Add a coin per garden or flower.

A nickel for every window you have in your home and a dime for every door.

Books you’ve read this month.  Add .25 for each one.

Magazines you’ve read this month.  Add .10 for each one.

How many times have you been in church this week?  Ten cents per visit.

Family members who bless your life? Add a coin for each family member.

Money in your savings account?  Put several coins in your box.

Internet access? Add a coin for email and the web.

For every random act of kindness you performed, add $1.00 for each.

Cell phone or regular phone? Add a coin for each phone.

Own a car? A bike? A wheelchair? Count the wheels and multiply by five cents.

Children in your heart? Count up the kids you love and make a gift to your box for each of them!

By checking on the elderly this week, add $1.00 to your box.

These suggestions or some of your own can be used to save up your money for a special treat or donation to a worthy cause.  You will be surprised by the amount of money you accumulated in your jar in one month!

For an extra bonus, celebrate with joy the most precious gift of all…..Jesus Christ!

  Make a special gift today!

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