
And The Government Goes Round And Round

   Written by on May 1, 2015 at 10:48 am

Stump County is in an uproar. The United States Supreme Court just overturned the Bill of Rights and gave local governments the right to take someone’s property if they can put it to a “better” use. Apparently over half of the members of our Supreme Court can’t read. If they can read, they need to take time to read our Constitution. If they can’t, they need to take not only reading lessons but some history. This is why we had that little Revolutionary War, which we not only won but are celebrating in a couple of months. You have to wonder if the Supreme Court has ever thought about what Independence Day means.

logo - stump countyIn America we believe in individual rights and the rights of property owners. The Government is supposed to represent us and protect our rights. We are not here to support the Government.

In the past, private property could only be taken for “public use” which included highways, dams, and other projects, which benefited the public. Now, under the new ruling, any government official can decide what is a “better” use. Then they can take your property and let someone else build something that will “benefit the public” AND make them a barrel full of money at the same time. In Stump County we call that stealing. But then again, when you are talking about money lots of people are willing to sell their character for a few dollars. At least when we steal we all know what to call it.

What this really means is nobody’s land, homes, or farms are safe. Sounds to me like we are in one of those countries like Iraq instead of the good old U S of A.

Well, some folks in Stump County know a “ fat possum” when we see one. We all started looking around. Every one of us looked at our neighbors’ farms and homes and were sure we could make more money and pay more taxes if we owned them. First, Clem convinced the officials that he could make better and more profitable use of Roscoe’s farm. Roscoe just lives there. He pays his taxes, hunts, and fishes. The fact that he bought it when nobody else wanted it doesn’t mean anything. Clem will raise hogs and make money. Nobody was upset but Roscoe, and nobody really cares what he thinks.

Before Clem got started fencing, another group got together and convinced the officials that they would benefit the county more by building a golf course. Nobody was upset but Clem.

About the time Roscoe’s farm was cleared and they were laying out the course, a bigger group convinced the officials that they could benefit the public more by building houses. Then another even bigger group from Rich City said they would build a shopping center that would benefit more people, make more jobs, and pay more taxes.

Roscoe’s property is turning over faster than a politician’s opinions. Clem got back in the running by saying he would build a bigger shopping center AND a pigpen. Then, Roscoe jumped in and said he would buy his property and use it as a nature preserve and let people watch birds and hunt and fish. For once, things worked out right even though everybody involved was wrong.

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