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Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Mixed Marriages

Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Mixed Marriages

When it comes to non-fiction, you just can’t beat reading a dictionary or an encyclopedia for pure entertainment value. My bride, Management, who is perfect in every…



Call National Geographic! Call Virginia Wildlife! Call somebody ‘cause I’ve got an anthill in my backyard that needs its own zip code! I was shocked out of…

Lonely verses Alone

Lonely verses Alone

Paul Tillich, one of the great theologians of our time, is quoted as saying “Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone.  It has…

Occoneechee Tribe Shares Rich History at First Ever Chase City Powwow

Occoneechee Tribe Shares Rich History at First Ever Chase City Powwow

Chase City enjoyed the honor of hosting the 2015 “Land of the Occoneechee” powwow this past weekend. The rhythmic beat of a Native American powwow drum replaced…

Heart of Virginia Festival Celebrates 37th Year

Heart of Virginia Festival Celebrates 37th Year

 This past weekend, Saturday, May 2, the sun was shining as vendors, spectators, entertainers and car enthusiasts lined the streets of downtown Farmville in celebration of the…

Shared Responsibility

Shared Responsibility

Many are responsible for the situation in Baltimore and other locations and as much as each of us would like to point to this cause or that…

Our Veterans Deserve Better From the VA

Our Veterans Deserve Better From the VA

Last month marked one year since we learned of the gross mismanagement at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that resulted in tragic outcomes for those who…

Letters to the Editor

Writer Speaks Up for Charlotte Co. Citizens I would like to begin this letter by addressing what I believe are three of the main issues facing the…

You can tell he’s lying his lips are moving

You can tell he’s lying his lips are moving

By Carlotta Gutz The Sneezeville Sentinel received another letter to the Editor. “Where is Carlotta Gutz?” I’m right here where I’ve always been, I just been letting…

“NO Blacks A Loud”

“NO Blacks A Loud”

Many years ago I was traveling down South. I stopped at a little country diner. There was a sign on the door reading “NO Blacks A Loud.”…