
Truckers Parade Blows it Own Horn to Aid Cancer Research

   Written by on October 16, 2014 at 11:07 am

bill-vWhen Saturday morning rolled around this past weekend, there were plenty of folks looking at the sky, watching the clouds roll in, checking the forecast, and praying the rain would move along before the 14th annual Truckers Parade Against Cancer. The drizzle continued through most of the morning slowing preparations just a bit. Shiny wet trucks were pulling in the drive and waiting their turn to have banners placed on the front of their rig.  The Truckers Against Cancer team pulled out umbrellas and towels and began drying front grills and bumpers. Progress was slow. More people stepped in to hold umbrellas and offer dry towels.  Those who were cooking were dodging rain puddles as well. More hats and raincoats were pulled out, but everyone had a smile on their face. After months of preparation, a little bit of rain wasn’t going to stop this parade.

The fun isn’t just in the parade itself. The TPAC team always comes up with something new for the drivers and guests. This year Abilene Trucking offered to make a $100 donation to the American Cancer Society for every person who had their head shaved by the on-site barber.  Savannah Price of Willie’s Barber Shop in Charlotte Court House donated her time and talent and sheared 51 heads. Walt Bailey and Paul Jackson orchestrated a golf ball drop that offered the winner half of the proceeds raised for the drop.  A raffle was held for a handmade quilt donated by the South Central Parish Quilters, and the silent auction and the popular cake auction had bidders on their toes. All money raised on Saturday goes to help fund research for the American Cancer Society.

As the clock ticked closer to 3:00, drivers began making their way back to their trucks. Engines began to come to life and a sense of excitement began to fill the air. One hundred forty-nine trucks carrying over 170 banners with the names of loved ones lined up. The first horns began to blow and soon all horns are blowing. The sound is a battle cry that flows from one town to the next. Today we remember.  Today we stand together. No one fights alone.

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