
Thanksgiving When You Don’t Feel Like It

   Written by on November 25, 2015 at 2:34 pm

Have you ever walked into a room, flipped the light switch on, and nothing happened? I suppose many people experience Thanksgiving like that. The day comes, they are simply burned out and not feeling very thankful. May I offer you a few things if you’re not in the mood for gratefulness this Thursday?


The first is discipline.  The word has fallen from favor today. We tend only to do what we logo-crotts-stephenfeel like doing. Ah, but Hebrews 12:11 says, “Discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit…”  “Just do it” runs an exercise program’s mantra. And so with the discipline of gratitude; just do it.


A second remedy for a thankless holiday is fellowship. How many times I have gone to church downcast, beset within and without by heavy burdens. And there in the company of other Christians at worship I have found a contagious enthusiasm that got me singing Christ’s praise and giving Him thanks.


Then, too, one might try making an inventory of life’s blessings. “Forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2). Just make a list, check it twice, and your heart will begin to overflow. Health, job, a friend. The list lengthens and your ingratitude shortens. For you it is for sure a Thanksgiving Day!

The Reverend Stephen Crotts is pastor of Village Presbyterian Church in Charlotte Court House, VA. 

About Stephen Crotts

The Reverend Stephen Crotts is pastor of Village Presbyterian Church in Charlotte Court House, VA. He is also the director of the Carolina Study Center, Inc., a campus ministry, located in Chapel Hill, NC. Pastor Crotts may be reached at


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