
Reader Finds Editor’s Viewpoint “Demeaning”

   Written by on July 31, 2013 at 5:00 pm


wow! the only thing left out of your one sided rant was—i’m not a racist but! we all know the old saying about opinions. however, I find yours demeaning for any editor of a newspaper. you refer to trayvon martin’s ‘thug ways’ with nothing to back up that slur. he had a 3.7 grade average, had already been awarded a full ride scholarship, was a loyal member of his church. your boy z had a history of racism and a police record. including assaulting a federal agent and domestic abuse. define thug? check your neighborhood watch rules and you will see had Zimmerman followed just one of six rules, trayvon would be alive today. you can not blame the prosecution. after hearing just one juror’s interview, there was no chance z would be convicted. she actually said “if trayvon had just walked home it could have been avoided”. moreover, if z had stayed in the car, I would not be responding to your rant! trayvon was walking home! no! we will never know exactly what happened. unfortunately, the one party who could tell us has been proven to be a compulsive liar. I never agree with your politics, but have always considered you to be an honorable man. that changed when you put in print the fact you have no respect for parents who have just lost a son that had just turned 17. in closing, I will remind you to be sure and post the next meeting of the kkk for this area. I am sure it will draw a crowd! jack crouse——Victoria, va.


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