
More Schools Should Participate in “See You At The Pole”

   Written by on October 3, 2013 at 1:43 pm

Dear Editor,

Wednesday, September 25 was “See You at the Pole” Day across the United States.  The ‘’See You at the Pole’’ event, which began at a Texas school in 1990, usually lasts from 7:15 a.m. to 8 a.m. before students go to class. More than 2 million students are estimated to take part each year.  The 1984 Equal Access Act granted student-led religious clubs the same right to meet at school as other clubs.  The law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990.  Now, in 2013, Appomattox Christian Academy (ACA) proudly shares the moment with other students across ltethe USA in prayer.  Now, in 2013, Appomattox Christian Academy, sadly, only shares the moment with other students but one day of the year.  Students and teachers at ACA gather around the pole every morning to salute our flag and country and share a moment of prayer together before we begin our day of studies.  The Lord’s Prayer is recited and a prayer for our school is said.  On September 25, additional prayers were offered for all the students who do not have the opportunity to express their faith every day “at the Pole.”  This past week, I am proud, and saddened at the same time, as I watched our students eagerly raise their hand to have the privilege to raise the flag during morning salute and wish all students could have the unique opportunity our students have at ACA to Pledge Allegiance to God and Country.  Only three students are chosen each morning for flag duty. All are eager, even those not tall enough for the job just yet.  One student raises the flag of Virginia, one student raises the flag of St. Andrew and one raises the US flag.  All students pledge allegiance and bow their heads daily in prayer, one student body, one body in Christ.  My prayers this week will be for the students who must wait until 2014 “See You at the Pole” to meet again at school for prayer.  Dare to be unique…  “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.” 1 Corinthians 15:41.

Mrs. Jeannette Brady, Appomattox Christian Academy

A mission of St. Andrew’s Reformed Episcopal Church


Paralysis of Analysis

Farmville appears to be having a budget crisis. Farmville has over $49,000,000.00 in assets and can’t pay $60,000.00 to fix their swimming pool. It’s obvious that these asset values are overstated, but some could be sold to pay off long-term debt.

We are so lucky to have Longwood University. They are our security for long- term economic stability. Farmville should outsource their economic development strategy to the University and give them a seat on Town Council.

When our town leaders increase sewer rates, implement sanitation fees and residential parking fees they are hurting our fixed income citizens and impeding the University’s ability to grow at a faster pace. The town needs to sell Longwood University the roads they requested and take down the parking meters to present a friendly image to our largest customer, their visitors and tourists.

The Airport does not need $2,000,000.00 worth of protection. Sell the Golf Course.

Randal Phillips


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