
Letters to the Editor

   Written by on August 4, 2016 at 9:46 am

Resident Happy with Supervisors, Not a Select Few

In recent local newspaper articles, I have read of concerns a few citizens have with how the County Board of Supervisors conduct County business. Specific concerns mentioned are the time meetings are held, free meals while conducting County business, complaints about the construction of the new court house and holding closed door meetings.

As a taxpayer and voter of Charlotte County, I have no problem or complaints of the above mentioned issues.

We, the citizens of Charlotte County elected the County Board of Supervisors to represent our concerns and interests for the county.  As for myself, and I am sure there are lot more citizens in the county, who feel the same way as I do.

It seems there is a select group of people in the county who have taken it upon themselves to be the watch dogs for the county.  Then, if things aren›t done as to their way of thinking, they become unglued at the seams!  They then to blame everything on the Board of Supervisors.  This type of action is uncalled for and inappropriate for both the county and the Board of Supervisors.  This type of conduct by a select few makes it hard for the Supervisors to conduct county business.

I will close by saying I appreciate what the Board of Supervisors do for me and the county.  I support them one hundred per cent.  They are a group of dedicated, honest, hardworking people trying to do their best for the county they love.

By the way, no one on the Board of Supervisors ask that I write this letter nor has any Board member done anything for me.


Harold Catron

Charlotte Court House

In Support of Preservation

Longtime residents of Charlotte County, we are passionately committed to its history, past and future. Over the years, We have witnessed attempts to destroy this very special place. With other concerned citizens we protested the damming of the Staunton River for hydro-electric power (which would have had no advantage to the county but would have destroyed thousands of acres of prime farming land ). We have seen the attempt to allow hog “factories”, landfills , and solid and medical waste sites to be built with no long term guarantee that our water and/or land would not be contaminated.  All of these projects were introduced before the facts were taken under consideration by concerned citizens.

Last week’s Southside Messenger’s coverage of the proposed Court House has made us realize how unjust and unfair your criticism of P.K. Pettus and Kathy Liston has been. Doesn’t everyone have a right to participate in these meetings – especially when invited!   We are fortunate to have these two very intelligent women working to preserve the Court House and the Square. With no ax to grind, no glory to obtain , they have committed a great deal of  their time  and effort on this project.  They have studied the blue prints, meet with architects and historians, and tried to keep apprised of the actions of our local government  with the hope that the changes being made would be the right ones for  now and for the future.   I would have thought their knowledge and talent would have been welcomed  by the Board of Supervisors.

We owe P.K. and Kathy a note of appreciation for their leadership and vision.

Read and Ann Charleton,

Charlotte Court House, Va.

You’re Doing What’s Best for the Citizens??

When I read Friday July 29th’s issue of the Farmville Herald; and the tax credit to Holiday Inn Express, it angered me. It angered me that our County and Town Leaders have no idea of what the citizens of this area needs or no care for what we deserve.

When my neighbors on Bradshaw Lane, in Rice, or Rainbow Lane in Meherrin; who pays property taxes, both real estate and personal but can’t get their roads surfaced or paved; when our schools scrape by and falls short $300,000.00, and stand in disrepair, or when our citizens especially our younger and medium age can’t find adequate paying career employment; yet we are willing to give up the much needed revenue the citizens deserves.

I have found it funny how we as a county can increase property taxes, assessments, fees and licenses on the citizens and small businesses, and farmers, who have helped to build and sustain what we have; yet allow those who prosper the most off of this county a virtually free ride.

The Tobacco Indemnification, and Enterprise Zone, was created to improve the lives of this and other Counties Citizens, however in the past and now too many are receiving these funds, and are not creating jobs with higher wages, nor improving the lives of the Citizens of Prince Edward. Look at how many have received these benefits, and are no longer around or have not generated well-paying or sustainable fulltime career jobs for our citizens.

Many would ask; Kenneth what would you have done? First I would have ensured that companies who wish to come here, have a plan to build, for when a company or business invest, they’re less likely to sell or leave. Second, can they provide employees with a living wage, and a career? Third give a 15 to 20% yearly tax break for 5 to 8 years giving the county 80% of tax revenue to do the things we need to.

In my 11 years here, I have seen more businesses close, than open. More businesses lay off than hire. I have talked to more young and medium age citizens out of work than having the ability to get work. I found it funny how many of our County’s Leaders stand on the platform and principles of the Democratic Party, which call for good adequate wage jobs, availability of health care and food, yet they don’t increase funding to our free clinic, or our FACES Food Pantry; and they talk of good education yet let our schools stand outdated and tattered, improving our infrastructure, yet our roads are in disrepair.

We as a county and its citizens cannot afford nor better ourselves, by giving up revenue, or throwing tax dollars which should improve our lives and our county, to special interest, cronies, or anyone who comes along with a quick slick idea.

Kenneth W. Jackson

Rice, Va.

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