
County COVID-19 Cases on the Rise

   Written by on October 14, 2020 at 2:05 pm

Dear Editor,

Charlotte County no longer has the lowest number of COVID-19 cases in the Piedmont Health District, and the County is currently experiencing a significant spike in the number of cases.  The Charlotte County Board of Supervisors and I, as County Administrator, would like to remind citizens and local businesses that it is imperative for everyone to continue to take the necessary precautions to slow the spread of the virus.   

In speaking with Dr. Nash, Director of the Piedmont Health District, he provided this important information:

The three W’s work in preventing the spread of this disease. They are:

1. Wash Your Hands- Use soap, wash often and for at least 20 seconds.

2. Wear Your Mask- This is still a State mandate for public indoor settings.

3. Watch your Distance- minimum 6’ distancing.

Not adhering to these mitigation measures caused a communitywide outbreak. Strict adherence to these measures will terminate the outbreak.  Charlotte County’s current rate of new positive cases is about 6-7 new cases per day. With enforced social distancing and social isolation (stay at home recommendations) this outbreak can be over in 2-3 weeks.

I would ask that everyone show consideration for ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and all citizens by following the guidelines stressed by Dr. Nash.  As I said in my last release, Charlotte County, as a whole, is at a greater risk for severe complications of COVID-19. About 2,600 of Charlotte County’s citizens are age 65 or older. At least a third (33%) of Charlotte County’s citizens have a pre-existing medical condition. These factors make the impacts of a COVID-19 outbreak more significant for our community.

If you need additional information or resources or want to know what the current requirements are, please visit the Virginia Department of Health website at or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at   

Daniel Witt 

County Administrator

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