
Aren’t You Glad You’re a Southerner?

   Written by on June 19, 2015 at 11:42 am

At this point, I’m glad I don’t have a big flower garden or a lot of vegetables trying to grow out there. Good luck to those of you who do.

I came across the following list sometime last week and found myself chuckling all the way through the reading of it. You’ve seen this kind of thing before, but I wanted to share it with you anyway.

logo - walk in gardenThings Only People Who Grew Up in the South Will Understand

*You understand the peace and serenity that only the rustling branches of a weeping willow can bring.

*You know the feeling of peeling your sticky skin bit by bit from the boiling leather seats of a car in July.

*You know, with absolute certainty, that anything can be fried, eaten, and enjoyed.

*Honey, sugar, dumpling, pumpkin, and sweetie pie are usually not referring to food.

*You understand the feeling of complete and utter satisfaction when successfully getting a big drop off the end of a honeysuckle.

*You know that good food is even better when combined with other good food to make a casserole.

*When it comes to manners, you were grounded multiple times as a kid for forgetting your “yes ma’am”s and “yes sir”s.

*You’ve felt like you were actually suffocating from humidity. Is death by mugginess a real thing?

*”You guys” and “you all” are just incorrect ways of saying “y’all.”

*The squeak of a porch swing and the slam of a screen door will always make you feel at home.

*It is nearly impossible to tell the difference between a snow day and the Apocalypse. Gotta get bread and milk before that one inch of snow falls.

*Sweet tea is the only kind of tea.

*You’re able to orient yourself based on which church is on what corner.

*Summer nights as kids were spent catching lightning bugs (fireflies to non-Southerners) and putting them in Mason jars.

*You know all BBQ is not created equal.

*It’s not a purse, it’s a pocketbook.

*You can call anyone from above the Virginia line a Yankee, but when they come down for the summer or to go to Duke they’re a “damn Yankee.”

*You never, ever forget to write a thank-you note after attending a social gathering or receiving a gift.

*College sports rivalries are a religion to you. You’re a Tarheel or you’re a Blue Devil. It’s Bama or Auburn. There is no in between.

*You feel like it’s only proper to dress up when flying or going to the doctor’s office.

*You know that sororities and fraternities mean something completely different in the South than anywhere else in the country.

*The music from a banjo, acoustic guitar and a fiddle playing all together is a sweet and perfect fusion of your favorite sounds.

*Backyard bonfires are your idea of a perfect nighttime get-together.

*You don’t realize how strong Southern accents are until you move somewhere else.

*You know that no matter where you are in the world, if you run into a fellow Southerner, you’ve found a friend.

*You feel perfectly all right talking bad about somebody, as long as you follow it all with a heartfelt “bless their heart.”

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