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Greg Smith is a Baptist minister who has served churches in Central and Southside Virginia. He lives in Halifax County, VA with his wife and children. To read more of Greg’s writings check out his blog at

Six Steps to Finding Your Superpower

Six Steps to Finding Your Superpower

Who would win in a race—Superman or the Flash? Here are six steps to finding your superpower and learning how to beat both of them. Superman Vs.…

Here I am to Worship – But Why?

Here I am to Worship – But Why?

Why do we worship God? Does God need to be worshipped? Throughout the Bible, people performed sacrifices and other acts of ritual worship. Today, Christians gather each…

When My Brother is Wrong: Eight Steps to Peace

When My Brother is Wrong: Eight Steps to Peace

Is there any hope of peace when the other person is just so wrong? Frienemies My older brother and I grew up as best friends and worst…

Praying Like My Cat

Praying Like My Cat

Prayer isn’t about God listening to us—but about attendant believers getting to know God. Praying Like My Cat My cat amazes me. He has an incredible ability…

Finding Peace Through One-Word Prayer

Finding Peace Through One-Word Prayer

In my previous articles on one-word prayer, I invited readers to discover Christian mantras. These are short prayers to slowly repeat with each breath. The author of…

Worship God With One-Word Prayer

Worship God With One-Word Prayer

Prayer is best when we let our words be few—or even a single word. Here are four one-word prayers to help you worship God. In the first…

How to Pray a One-Word Prayer

How to Pray a One-Word Prayer

Most of us have prayed the one-word prayer, “God!” in moments of surprise and crisis. One-word prayers can be more powerful than you think. The Power of…

When is Feeling Empty a Good Thing?

When is Feeling Empty a Good Thing?

Usually, feeling empty is bad—like a hungry stomach or a heart vacant of love.  But when is feeling empty a good thing? Sometimes, it’s good to be…

Why Do Christians Act Like Monkeys?

Why Do Christians Act Like Monkeys?

Everywhere you go, you find Christians who act like monkeys, insisting on their own way and mistrusting divine supply of their needs. Why do Christians act like…

What It Looks LIke When God Takes a Selfie

What It Looks LIke When God Takes a Selfie

If God took a selfie, what would it look like? An old man with a beard, doing a duck face? Buddy Christ, giving the thumbs up? You…

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