
Your Favorite was NOT Elected

   Written by on November 7, 2013 at 2:31 pm

The election results are in from yesterday and the ““NOTs” won. For that matter most of the candidates were running as NOTs.” The official results were: NOT- Cuccinelli won the Governor’s race beating NOT- McAuliffe by 2 points and and NOT-Jackson beat NOT-Northam to win Lt Governor. NOT-Obenshain is a fraction of a point ahead of NOT-Herring with a recount underway.

Out of the thousands of emails and other political propaganda we received only a few percent (mostly from Jackson and Obenshain) actually took a stand rather than just telling why not to vote for the opponent. According to the publicity email count neither Obenshain or Herring was actually running.

Only the straight ticket (if my party runs them I’ll vote for them) Democrats and Republicans seemed to like any of the candidates. The rest of the voters appeared to be holding their collective noses, turning their heads away and voting for the least objectionable candidate.

I took a little informal and highly inaccurate poll. Excluding the “lesser of the evils,” the party line votes and the sheeple votes, the survey asked, “Did you proudly cast a vote for any candidate?” The answer was a resounding NO. Why did you vote for candidate X? “Because he isn’t as bad as Candidate Y.” Only Obenshain had any proud supporters.

The Winner for Governor, NOT- Cuccinelli, is everything the Democrats opposed about Mitt Romney in the Presidential election except his financial dealings are a little more questionable and he isn’t as successful. Apparently nothing matters to some folks except the D or the R beside the name.

One partisan supporter told me his party had the right message but they were having trouble getting the message out. I responded, “The problem with BOTH parties is they sometimes have the right message but as soon as they are elected they change.”

Another problem is too many people are voting for their personal benefit rather than the benefit of the country and future generations.

Anytime your vote is to take from someone else and give to you not only are your motivations wrong, your character is in question and your patriotism is lacking.

I talk to many people who believe they deserve health care at the expense of others. Contrary to our President’s “If you like your current health insurance, you can keep it” lie, I also talk to many people who are losing the health care insurance they like and are being forced to buy a higher-priced policy to help pay for those who can’t or aren’t buying their own policy.

Obamacare also has a “marriage penalty.” If a married couple makes four times the poverty level (over $62,000) they will receive no deduction and will see an increase in rates to help pay for those who make less than they. Smokers will pay a 50 percent surcharge. On the other hand, those with dozens of other “choice” related health issues (alcohol, drugs, weight, lack of exercise and other poor decisions) will be guaranteed coverage.

Meanwhile, increased demand will drive up costs forcing insurance costs to rise further.

In short, the rich can afford insurance, the poor will receive it free and the working families will have to pay for it all.

So, in terms of the winners of this election there is only one indisputable fact.

That is: The middle class in Virginia did NOT win.

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