
We Need A Political Dictionary

   Written by on December 1, 2021 at 3:10 pm

Politics gets more confusing by the day. Words no longer mean what they once did. When it comes to politics, my dictionary is obsolete.

In order to have any meaningful conversation words have to mean the same thing for everyone in the discussion.

Once upon a time misusing words and confusing conversations were jokes. “Celebrate! We thought you said celibate.” “What, you said NO, I thought you said GO.”

I just watched an interview wherein Jordan Peterson was asked if “Trans-women were real women.” His response was “define a real woman.” NO ONE COULD.  Then he said, “If you define a woman as a person with XX chromosomes and who is usually capable of giving birth, the answer is NO!” 

This was an unacceptable answer but there was still no definition for a “woman.”

Ibram Kendi, promoter of “anti-racism” was asked to define racism. He said, “I would define it as a collection of racist policies that lead to racial inequity that are substantiated by racist ideas.” 

That means absolutely nothing.

Many of us learned in elementary school that we could never use a word to define the same word.

Apparently Kendi missed that day in school

Kendi earned a B.S. in African American Studies and magazine production from Florida A&M University in 2005, an M.A. in African American Studies from Temple University in 2007, and a Ph.D. in African American Studies in 2010. 

I would still like to have an accurate definition for racism from Mr. Kindi since he is the expert.

My Random House dictionary defines racism as “a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.”

We also need definitions for Critical Race Theory, Fascism, Socialism, Male, Female, Husband, Wife, Child, Baby, Redneck, Conservative, Liberal, Snowflake, God and dozens or hundreds of other terms.

We simply cannot communicate effectively unless words mean the same thing to all of us.

I saw an invitation for a “baby shower” sent by a very vocal pro-abortion activist who frequently says, “A fetus is NOT a baby.” I was shocked. Shouldn’t she have held a “Fetus Shower”?

Words mean things and must mean the same thing all of the time.

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