
Third Graders Learn About Food Webs

   Written by on November 17, 2017 at 10:42 am

phenix food wbsRecently, the third graders at Bacon District and Phenix Elementary Schools have been discussing ecosystems and how plants and animals are dependent on one another.  The focus has been food chains and food webs.  In the library, Mrs. Watkins had the students find out what plants and animals lived in particular ecosystems, using non-fiction books.  The students worked in small groups finding the information and then they had to create a food chain that would be found in the ecosystem.  Mrs. Julie Hamlett and Mrs. Patricia Mays from the Southside Soil and Water Conservation District were invited to talk about food webs with the students.  After discussing the different types of ecosystems found in Charlotte County, they led the students in a game that actually created a web between plants and animals and showed the students how all things in an ecosystem rely on each other to survive.  The students enjoyed the activity while gaining additional knowledge from an outside source.  The Southside Soil and Water Conservation District is an excellent resource to use for our students.

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