
P.E. Co. Board of Supervisors Hold Monthly Meeting

   Written by on June 19, 2015 at 11:20 am

The June meeting of the Prince Edward County Board of Supervisors was immediately preceded by a Joint Public Hearing with the Prince Edward County Planning Commission to consider the request of Ellington Energy Services for a special use permit to install a free- standing sign with LED digital reader at 3810 West Third Street in Farmville. This is the site of the Pump & Pantry Convenience Store that is currently being renovated. There were no objections or concerns regarding the installation of the sign. Farmville Town Manager Gerald Spates and local business owner Jerry Carrington addressed the Board to ask if they would consider helping financially with the ‘Fireworks After Dark” event that is held each Fourth of July at Newman Field. Mr. Carrington, according to Gerald Spates, “… has volunteered for the last 13 years for this event.” Mr. Spates also explained to the Board that the event is organized by the town and that to keep costs down the town sets the fireworks off for the event. Sponsorships of $50 – $500 are available to local businesses or citizens that want to contribute to the annual event that costs in the neighborhood of $11,200 to put on. Mr. Spates finished by saying, “This is a fun event that brings people together.” The Board recommended the request be sent to the Finance committee for review.

Kevin Wright from VDOT spoke to the Board on highway matters during the meeting. He presented Prince Edward with the draft copy of the county’s six year plan, which like neighboring Charlotte County, is essentially the same as last year’s plan. While the six year plan remains on target for the county, the current grass cutting schedule for the year in P.E. is suffering the same minor disruption that other counties in the region are experiencing. Mr. Wright explained to Board members that Prince Edward secondary roads will receive a “safety cut,” or one pass on each side of the road and workers will then move to primary roads for a full cut before returning to the secondary roads.

The Board also heard information on the StormReady program. Assistant County Administrator Sarah Puckett explained the specific benefits of the program, to the Board adding that the program would not cost the County or Town except in staff time. ( See Farmville Town Council and P.E. Board of Supervisors Vote To Team Up On Issues- Page??) Additionally, the Board has approved the creation of a Joint Local Emergency Planning Committee. According to Ms. Puckett, the statutory purpose of an LEPC is to support emergency management planning for chemical hazards/ hazardous materials and provide the public access to information about possible chemical hazards in the community.

Finally, the Board reviewed the recent announcement of the Governor’s Mansion that the theme for this year’s Christmas tree will be “Celebrating Virginia’s Localities.” The Executive Mansion is requesting local artisan-made Christmas tree ornaments from each Virginia county and town. Further information on the Christmas tree program is pending the review of the Board.

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