
My Pet Peeves

   Written by on September 23, 2020 at 3:10 pm

I guess everyone has something that irritates them down to the core and this reporter is no exception.  I will attempt to list some of my pet peeves and I bet our readers can add to the list!

Number one on my list would be getting behind a driver who is either talking on his or her cellphone or apparently texting.  One can determine this immediately because the vehicle slows down, then speeds up and is usually weaving across the lines.  I usually drop back from that person so I won’t be involved in the wreck that IS going to happen.  

One good thing that has happened on our roadways is the rough indenture that the highway department has placed on the center lines.  That will, indeed, get your attention when passing someone or going over the center while you’re talking.  The bad thing about these new indentures happens to people who live close to the highway.  We live about ¼ mile off the main road and can hear the “roar” as people pass each other going either way!

Number two on my list would be the people who cut grass and cover the roadways with the grass clippings.  This is against the law!  Cut grass is very slick for the motorcyclists and is very treacherous to drivers when driving in the rain. A simple solution is to turn your lawnmower away from the roadways even if one has to make an extra round.

Presidential campaigns would rate high on my list of peeves!  If I receive another phone call from pollsters, I will scream!  There are enough political commercials on TV about the presidential race without interruptions during a day by folks taking polls or asking for contributions.  The billions of dollars spent on these campaigns could be helping all the families whose homes have been destroyed by fire or by the terrific hurricanes that seem to pop up every week.

Are you receiving an abundance of catalogs?  This reporter received three in one day from companies I never knew existed.  Another one of my pet peeves!  Today I received four big envelopes requesting donations for one thing or another.  

I guess my biggest pet peeve is the LOUD TV commercials.  We have the volume set for a program and then get blasted out of the room by a commercial!  The news is important but not when they give one sentence, about 15 seconds, and then there are at least 10 commercials.  

Another pet peeve is weather forecasters on the national level.  I have yet to hear the Virginia weather when a weather report is given for the east coast from Florida to North Carolina and then from Maine down to Washington, D.C.  It’s like Virginia doesn’t exist!  Just turn to the weather channel and pay attention.  Rarely is our state mentioned!

The most important pet peeve during this pandemic are the people who refuse to wear a mask!  Stores have huge signs as you enter stating simply, WEAR A MASK!  The signs should say no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service.  What is happening to our great America?  Please pray for our country and pray for those who apparently never heard of God!

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