
McKay a no-show at town meeting

   Written by on August 21, 2014 at 1:59 pm

There was a town hall meeting held at the Hampden-Sydney Fire Department on August 11, 2014.  This meeting was organized by Mr. Richard Altice with help from several other folks.  The purpose of this meeting was to discuss Prince Edward County government issues.  Present at this meeting were Supervisors Patty Cooper-Jones, Jim Wilck, and Bob Timmons. Notably absent from this meeting was Supervisor Charlie McKay even though there was a place for him at the head table and his name posted in front of an empty chair.  Mr. McKay was invited to this meeting but declined.  This meeting was held in the district that Mr. McKay represents.

Mr. McKay has voted to spend millions of dollars on the YMCA, the Sandy River Water Project, the Road to Nowhere and water and sewer pipes and equipment at the failed Manor golf project.  One example of this spending was approximately 2.5 million dollars spent to purchase the pipes and equipment at the failed Manor golf project.  In the fiscal year 2015 proposed budget, it was revealed that this expenditure is costing Prince Edward County taxpayers in excess of $300,000.00 each year with a return of only approximately $1600.00 per year in revenues.  Mr. McKay voted to advertise a 19% tax increase this year.

Apparently Mr. McKay did not want to face his constituents and answer questions regarding his voting record on big spending items that had limited or no return to the taxpayers of Prince Edward County.

I would like to thank Mr. Richard Altice for organizing this event and I would like to thank Supervisors Cooper-Jones, Wilck and Timmons for presenting excellent explanations of Prince Edward Government matters.

I would also like to thank the Southside Messenger Newspaper for their excellent coverage of Prince Edward County Board of Supervisors actions.

Sam Campbell, Pamplin Virginia

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