
Lunenburg County Planning Commission Sets Second Public Hearing

   Written by on February 9, 2017 at 10:18 am

As Debate on Business in a Rural Neighborhood Continues

Second public hearingLUNENBURG – The Lunenburg County Planning Commission (LCPC) continues to listen to both sides of a recent debate about a county business that has neighbors in the Meherrin area of Lunenburg upset.

There will be a second public hearing coming up for the Lunenburg County Planning Commission on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 for public input on the following items:

Conditional Use Permit Application:

Edward and Patricia Crowling, trading as The Crowling Place, LLC, to rent the property located at 1853 Hart Road per the use definition of a Short-term Rental. Additionally, they are requesting a CUP for the operation of a personal services business-event planning at the same address.  The 6.44 acre parcel is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Crowling and is identified as tax map number 019 ((03)) 2C.

The LCPC met on January 17, 2017 and held a public hearing on this topic that saw proponents and opponents speaking out about the location. The Crowling Place is a home and barn location that can be used for events such as weddings or gatherings.

The owners have hosted weddings and other family gatherings so far at the place and are looking to make upgrades such as building bathrooms and other accommodations on the land in order to hold more events and bring more visitors to the location.

So far, owners have said that they have seven current events booked for the upcoming year and people in favor of the location say that it will bring visitors, income and additional business to Lunenburg.

On the other side of the debate are neighbors and people that live near the location. This group cited such issues as traffic, noise and disruption of their everyday rural living as reasons that they do not want the location to get this Conditional Use Permit. Some residents said that they also had safety concerns.

Following the first public hearing, the members of the Lunenburg County Planning Commission did not make a decision and have continued discussions and meetings since that time. They now will host this second public hearing to continue to work on making a decision to bring to the Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors.

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