
Local Counties Rank Low in 2015 Health Rankings: Obesity Prevalent in Rural America

   Written by on June 12, 2015 at 12:36 pm

Due to the busy schedule of the average adult, finding time to prepare healthy meals and partake in the recommended daily amount of exercise can seem like a daunting task. A recent study released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI) revealed that the counties of Charlotte, Prince Edward, and Lunenburg ranked generally low in health measures compared to the state average.

fatOut of 133 counties in the state of Virginia, Charlotte County came in at number 121, which means that 90% of other counties within the state are healthier. Specific health statistics for the county found that 31% of adults located in the area were considered obese, while 25% were physically inactive. According to the World Health Organization, “Obesity and overweight pose a major risk for serious diet-related chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer. The health consequences range from increased risk of premature death, to serious chronic conditions that reduce the overall quality of life.”

While one-fourth of Charlotte County residents were considered to be physically inactive, only 24% reported having access to exercise opportunities. In contrast, 75% of Prince Edward County residents were found to have access to exercise opportunities; however, the obesity rate was revealed to be even higher at 33% and physical inactivity coming in at 28%. An explanation for this phenomenon could be based on the growing number of fast food restaurants. The World Health Organization suggested “as incomes rise and populations become more urban, diets high in complex carbohydrates give way to more varied diets with a higher proportion of fats, saturated fats and sugars.”

On the other hand, Lunenburg County was found to contain the lowest percentage of obese adults at 30%. Shockingly enough, though, a lower percentage of obesity rates did not correlate with the number of individuals that were considered inactive. Of the three local counties, Lunenburg contained the largest percentage of physical inactivity at 31%. Additionally, only 18% reported having access to exercise opportunities.

Based on information provided by the sixth annual county health rankings, this data can be utilized to create awareness within individual areas to promote a healthier lifestyle. Arlington was voted as the number one area in the state of Virginia for health. 100% of individuals reported having access to exercise opportunities while only 14% were physically inactive. Another statistic revealed that the median income for households in Arlington averaged $101,533. The counties of Charlotte, Prince Edward, and Lunenburg averaged only about $37,500.

The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) stated that low-income areas are more susceptible to higher obesity rates due to a number of factors. These factors can include: limited access to healthy, affordable foods, limited exercise opportunities, stress, exposure to obesity-promoting products, and limited health care access.

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