
Letters to the Editor

   Written by on August 11, 2016 at 9:39 am

Trump is Brash, Hilary Trash

This presidential election has to be the lowest point in American history since the Civil War. What made Trump the frontrunner for the Republican party is now his biggest hindrance. He’s been too blunt and offensive. People admired him because he’s certainly no “political correctness” type crashing headlong into issues any (semi-seasoned) politician would avoid. Trump hasn’t refined his choice of words when it comes to his attacks… especially at the “Old Boy” establishment in Washington. Trump could (finally)bring real change to Washington but, his demeanor is unsettling.

Too much Trump attention (lately) took focus away from the real outrages of Hillary. The interview Hillary had with Chris Wallace proved beyond any shadow of doubt that she is an unconscionable, pathological liar. When the liberal Washington Post gives Hillary their highest rated, “4 Pinocchio award” for telling bald-faced lies during her interview, that sums it up! Hillary proved (with metaphysical certitude) from her sorted past culminating to her latest TV ‘crescendo’ cemented that anything she says doesn’t have an ounce of merit!

Hillary is an attention/power addict. Like any addict, Hillary will sacrifice all values (or an entire country) so long as she can get her daily, “power fix”! Hillary is utterly beneath contempt demonstrating repeatedly not to have a shred of credibility or moral fiber. She told Wallace her statements have been “consistent”. That was true however! The lies she tells the FBI, to reporters and to America at large are indeed- consistently deceitful! Hillary as president is like putting a fox in charge of the hen-house!

 Karl Schmidt

Farmville, Va.

Farmville, Chief of Police Common Sense

 To me it’s common sense to appoint a Law Enforcement and Head of Our Town’s Police Department; who is not only qualified and trained in all aspects from patrol, to state and federal evidence handling. Also a person who has proven that they treat citizens with respect, and are quick to weed out any and all undesirables who they feel do not do the Badge Justice.

The person I’m speaking of is not only from the Community, but has served this community both County and Town for over 25 years.

To Me it is only reasonable and good as well as common sense to keep acting Police Chief Andy Ellington in this position.

 Kenneth W. Jackson

and Bemeche Hicks

Rice, Va.

Justice Just Ain’t
Too Smart

I wonder where the bottom 10% of each law school class works. Is it IBM, GE or IRS or the Army?

I have known hundreds of them and I think I know the answer: the Justice Department has about 100,000 of them.

Terry Miller

Keysville, Virginia

Sheriff Thanks
the County

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Charlotte County for the many acts of kindness which have been shown to members of the sheriff’s office during the past month.  While we do live in a rural area, it does not mean that our office is immune to such occurrences.  Just thirteen years ago this past June, our officers were involved in a shooting that left several police vehicles riddled with bullets; and thankfully, not our officers!

 We strive each and every day to take care of the citizens to the best of our ability.  It means a great deal to us knowing that we have your support.

 Thomas D. Jones, Sheriff
Charlotte County

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