
Letters to the Editor

   Written by on July 22, 2020 at 2:25 pm

Who Was That Masked Man?

Dear Editor,

There seems to be a huge debate in this country over whether or not to wear a mask. I fall into the category of “selfish” people who refuse to wear a mask.  The “maskers” say we should trust science and science tells us that we should cover our face in public at all times. (Oh wait, we are allowed to remove them when eating or drinking). Well, it wasn’t very long ago science also told us that wearing a mask would do more harm than good and pleaded with people NOT to buy them. Now they say that face coverings are our only hope for making it through this pandemic. Please forgive me for not trusting the science. Why has no one discussed the long-term effects of wearing a mask every day for months? I cannot imagine it is safe or healthy to have one’s face covered all the time. So I think for now I will continue to go unmasked. That is until our governor decides that people like me must be hauled off to jail.

Megan Schools

Keysville, VA

Senator Advises Localities

Dear Editor,

“In view of legislation passed in the Virginia General Assembly Session this year, localities may, by ordinance, ban otherwise lawfully possessed and transported firearms from certain public spaces.  As some localities are exercising the new law that the Democrats passed and the Governor signed last session, it would be a strong statement if counties and towns around our region pass resolutions that they have no intention of doing such.  I believe that is only fair that our citizens fully understand the views of the governing boards and councils on this issue. I encourage them to pass resolutions to ease the concerns of the law-abiding citizens they represent.” 

Senator Frank Ruff (R-Mecklenburg Co.) 

July 4th

Dear Editor,

Fourth of July has come and gone. Covid19 has extinguished most of the patriotic celebration. So be it!  When I was a youth, we put red-white and blue crepe paper in the spokes of our bicycles and flags in the handlebars. Patriotism ran high.  We just eliminated destructive fascism from the world. Peace and prosperity was returning to social life, and optimism prevailed. Entertainment reflected family values, music lulled us with themes of love and romance, and the media adhered to the censorship of the seven deadly words.  We waved the stars and stripes with affection and pride.  I was proud to be an American.  I even joined the Marine Corps in an act of patriotism.

But over the years, things have changed.  I see little of family values in the entertainment of today.  It seems to be designed for the mentally inadequate and easily amused, music screeches  obscenities and frustration to a jungle beat, and censorship of the seven deadly words has been removed in the name of freedom of expression. To me it seems if it wasn’t for the F-word, the verbal script of film and television shows would be reduced by half.  The slow decline of my held beliefs has occurred over my lifetime, but the pace has picked up rather suddenly.

Fascists seem to have reemerged in this country and are taking over; even being elected to congress.  In the 1930’s, the Nazis dictated a politically correct policy for the German people to  live by.  Here in the now 20’s, it seems a politically correct policy is being dictated by Anarchists and Revisionists for us to live by.  For instance, must we Caucasians stand with our hands over our hearts at the singing of the Black National Anthem under penalty of ostracism or possible physical retribution? How about kneeling?

The values I held as a youth now seem obsolete and out of date. So please pardon me if I no        longer wave the flag or feel patriotic. God help America.

Dave Torrence

Meherrin, VA



How come you don’t hear the Republican Representatives speaking out and letting the Public know what the Democrats are up to and what the Governor is planning beforehand.  Why wait until it has passed before they let us know how they feel about it or what was on the table.  Why did they not speak out against the rioting when it was taking place?  Why didn’t the Democrats, the Governor and other prominent leaders speak out against the rioting and put an end to it.  Those people should be charged for their crimes especially those who committed murder.

 The Republicans need to verbally speak out against issues that are secretly being voted on, keep the public informed with the truth in writing as well.  Educate our young voters about our rights and what we can do to protect them because not everyone has internet access or TV (Remember that what you see is what someone else decides what you see.) and apparently they are not being taught correctly in school or college.

 The Republicans should be protecting our constitution. They need to work and fight for the people, that is what they were elected to do and don’t just go with the flow. Let us know what is coming up on the horizon and where they stand on issues.  We the people need to have our say in the correct way.  We should have a vote on issues.

 Let’s talk about defunding welfare, the Democrats keep telling people they can get free money, and other services “we will take care of you”.  The freebies they get are because of hard working citizens and the taxes we pay. Welfare was intended only for a short time to get people back to work and on their feet.  It was not intended to support families for generations.  People who receive welfare should be put to work doing something, whether it is cleaning up our streets and parks, working at a nursing home or rehab helping people by either reading, or writing a letter or just talking with them.  Large business can have a daycare center and they could work watching the employee’s children.  I’m sure there is something they can do to earn their welfare check. Not staying home enjoying life, getting tattoos, buying the latest cell phone, having cable TV etc…  A lot of people who are on welfare can work but choose not to.  Read 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 3, last sentence of verse 10 “If a man will not work, he shall not eat”.  People need to read the Bible more they will be surprised what you can learn from it.

 We do not need the Government telling us how to live our life; God gave each person a brain so people wake up and use yours.  Socialism/communism doesn’t work.  There is nothing that is truly free.  Someone, somewhere, somehow worked hard for what you consider free.  Why should hard working people support those who are not willing to work?  Anything in this world worth having comes by working hard for it.

 Anyone who lives in America and destroys our American Flag should be held accountable.  If you do not like our freedoms or like it here, move to another country.  Many people gave their lives so that we could enjoy our freedoms.  Please learn your history because it is being taken away and distorted to make people feel good.  Political correctness needs to go away, feelings get hurt all the time so get over it and move on, it’s life.  Don’t be afraid to tell someone like it is, no need to sugar coat things.

 Why do we need a Governor?  It is a hold back from Colonial Times; he is not needed and hasn’t done anything good for Virginia in years.  All they are doing is lining their pockets, taking control of how people live, making mandates that are not beneficial to everyone.  Letting those who are criminals get away with destruction and catering to their wants not putting a stop to the riots and destruction of property.  Being a puppet letting others dictate what he should do so that he can further his political gain.  He is not serving the people as he was elected to do.

 Elections are coming up; those who are running for office should have information out there as to what they stand for and how they will fight for our rights, keeping the citizens informed or will they remain quiet. Don’t wait until October to let us know what you are all about.

Wake up Americans; we need to bring God back to this Country.

A frustrated citizen.

Jolene Antonellini

Keysville, VA

About Evan Jones

Evan is the Assistant Editor at the Southside Messenger newspaper in Keysville, Virginia.


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