
Letter to the Editor

   Written by on October 13, 2016 at 9:23 am

Trump on the Floor

The liberal media should no longer be accused of being biased, … they are delusional! One talking head after the next said Hillary carried the debate. In reality, Trump mopped the floor and his garage with Hillary! Trump tore into Hillary about covering for and enabling Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct, for Hillary attacking Bill’s victims later, Bill paying Paula Jones 850k in a sexual abuse settlement, a variety of aspects about the e mail scandal, Hillary’s history of failed foreign policies, failing to respond to Chris Stephens 600 e mails requesting help in Benghazi and the list went on …… Hillary just absorbed Trumps on slot. A person innocent of such a litany of accusations might well come back angrily foaming at the mouth (if unfounded) but, Hillary showed no attempt to clear herself of these indictments!

 Trump questioned how she and Bill made so much money based on their means to make it, why she hasn’t used some of her vast holding to pay for her campaign as Trump has paid for his campaign. Trump roamed the stage like a dominate lion. Hillary was on the ropes for most of the debate. No matter all the allegations against Trump, he has broken no laws! The Clintons can’t boast the same. Wiki leaks revealed Hillary wants open boarders and open trade with a (deceptive) public and private perception. Hillary won the debate like the Japanese won the battle at Midway …. after the best part of their Navy was at the bottom of the of the Pacific! Do we want a president who can be man-handled and intimidated to face off with the enemies of America?

Karl Schmidt

Farmville, Va.

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