
Let me get this straight! 

   Written by on December 18, 2014 at 1:47 pm
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They bomb our buildings killing over 3,000 people, then we use enhanced interrogation techniques and the “bleeding heart” liberals cry, including the POTUS, and he stops “Water-boarding” because it is cruel and inhumane! Yet they behead our innocent journalists and hardly a protest do we hear!

The Democratic senators appear on television decrying the practice of waterboarding and  the Democrats in the Senate are anxious to release the report condemning the CIA. If they made half as much effort to condemn the beheadings as they are doing in condemning the CIA, I might not question their loyalty to the United States quite as much! Is this just plain stupidity, or disloyalty? In fact, I wonder how many Al Qaeda members we have in the Senate and the House pretending to be loyal Americans?

We give them 5 top Jihadist leaders. They give us 1 sorry  deserter! Then we do our best to make him a hero!

A Muslim Major in the United States Army shoots our troops in Fort Hood, Texas while shouting Muslim praises. Our POTUS calls it “workplace violence.”

They don’t want us in their country until they are in trouble. Then they want us to come in and save their sorry butts!

We leave the border wide open, inviting the Jihadists in. The POTUS wants to give Amnesty to everyone already here!

They are making plans to raise their flag over the White House. The POTUS has no strategy to deal with the threat!  A “Community Organizer” never has a strategy to deal with world affairs!

The “race baiters” howl, ransack and burn our cities over unfortunate incidents concerning black males, yet no one points out that all that was required to prevent these incidents was simple respect for the law and compliance with police directives! If this had been done these individuals would not have been shot or otherwise killed.

If these few incidents that I have pointed out don’t make the “loyal Democrats” stop and realize what a mess the Democrats have made of our government, then nothing will! If we don’t stop voting based on color or party affiliation, and start voting for individuals that can and will turn this country around, we are doomed to being relegated to “third world status.”  I believe with all my heart that this is what our wonderful POTUS wants!

And, believe it or not, if it is possible, Hillary would be worse!

Furman Joye

Prospect, Virginia


Citizen Asks for Modest Court Building

In our behalf, and in that of other concerned citizens of Charlotte County, this is a public request to our Board of Supervisors to order architectural drawings for a modest, free-standing court building to be built adjacent to the Circuit Court Clerk’s office.  This building would have one courtroom, one jury room, a sally port, holding cell, and whatever other offices and facilities that are needed to comply with the minimal requirements of the Commonwealth.   Such a building would offer the possibility of future expansion, if it was ever needed.  We would like this plan presented to the court and the Commonwealth as the option that most fits the needs of our county and the only one we can realistically fund, albeit not easily.

To date, our Supervisors have refused to entertain the option of a free-standing court building, with individual supervisors offering nothing but personal feelings as to their reason.  Meanwhile, they have spent over $300,000 on legal and architectural design fees for additions to our existing courthouse that the majority of the citizens do not want.  These planned additions would forever destroy the historical integrity of our courthouse and square.  The projected cost, possibly as high as $12 – $15 million, would place the county in debt for at least 40 years.  Our grandchildren’s children will still be paying this loan.  With approximately 7000 taxpayers in the county, many of them absentee owners, it does not take a math whiz to realize there will be no money available for other, more pressing issues that would benefit everyone:  schools, emergency services, and broadband to name a few.  It would not surprise us to see existing budget appropriations cut in the future:  money for social programs, sports programs, libraries, etc.  This is not a “scare tactic,” it is a reality – there is only so much money to go around, and our taxes can only be raised but so high.

Personally, we feel that a new court building is unnecessary given the few trials that are held here; small security upgrades within our existing courthouse should be more than sufficient.  Unfortunately, that is not the position of the court and Commonwealth.  Some new construction is inevitable, so let us come up with a plan that will not put us and future generations in debt either historically or financially.

Again, we charge our elected Board of Supervisors to put aside their personal feelings and do what their constituents have asked of them – order a plan for a free-standing court building and present it as the only plan the county can endorse.

Kathy Liston & Earl W. Strain

Brookneal, Virginia

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