
How to Keep the Unemployed, Unemployed

   Written by on December 19, 2013 at 1:33 pm

(Pay them)

The latest news from Washington is an end run by Congress to extend unemployment benefits. If you are unemployed and don’t want to find a job, that’s good news. If you are employed, an employer or want a job, it’s bad news-very bad news. If you pay taxes, it is bad news.

logo-editorialThe purpose of unemployment benefits is to provide a safety net for those who become unemployed through no fault of their own UNTIL they can find a job. Its intention is not to give those who become unemployed a two-year paid vacation.

I will bet that every employer has stories of alleged job seekers who ask, “ya ain’t hirin’, are ya? Sign my unemployment form.” Offer them a job and they hit the door at a run. Miraculously, within days of the end of their benefits, they find a job.

Keep in mind that the Government doesn’t create jobs. Jobs are created by businesses and the majority of jobs are created by small businesses who do so IN SPITE OF our Government’s restrictions.

President Obama claims he has been responsible for an incredible economic recovery in the past five years. If the economy has recovered, why hasn’t unemployment dropped more? One of the reasons is that unemployment benefits pay almost as much as employment and has no costs related to it for the unemployed. Paid unemployment doesn’t interfere with hunting, fishing, watching television and other leisure activities.

Another sideline benefit to unemployment is that you can do side jobs without cutting your benefits (on your own schedule-tax free-paid in cash) and ironically, your employer saves money because he doesn’t have to pay that silly 7.5 percent unemployment tax that pays for your unemployment.

Extending unemployment benefits would add $25 billion in costs to the working, taxpaying men and women in America. Those paying the bills will have less while those who are not paying the bills, pay nothing.

This administration claims “every dollar spent on unemployment generates $1.80 in economic growth.” If this worked and wasn’t a smokescreen then all we need to do is put the entire country on unemployment benefits. An 80% increase in economic growth would put America on the most solid financial footing since 1776.

As if this lie isn’t enough, when Congress increases the length of unemployment benefits, it is the states’ responsibility to pay for it. If the rest of us working folks could spend money and force someone else to pay the bills, we could really go places. When our Government does it, the only place we have to go is down.

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