
Halloween Goodies

   Written by on October 17, 2013 at 12:00 pm

I went through a time during the lives of my young children when I really rejected the idea of celebrating this holiday. It felt like an evil concept based on dark ideas. It took me some time and lots of praying before I relaxed enough to appreciate and enjoy this time with my kids.

wee-notesI would still suggest that you consider the age of your child when deciding how you will celebrate Halloween. Small children can be traumatized by even funny faces much less some of the hideous faces I see hanging for sale on the shelves in stores. They can even give me the heebie-jeebies to this day.

If you would like a really cute and easy idea for a seasonal snack your sweet Susie can help you prepare, I have a great one. Of course, if she has a phobia regarding spiders, you will want to skip this one.

Brownie Spiders

Ingredients: Boxed brownie mix. Chow mein noodles. Chocolate chips. Candy eyeballs.

Prepare brownies according to package directions.

Use a round cutter (or a small glass) approx. 2” and cut 8 circles.

Melt ½ cup of chocolate chips (reserve a tablespoon to use for attaching


Stir 2 cups crispy chow mein noodles into the remaining chocolate

Separate the noodles and arrange on a waxed paper-lined baking sheet.

Freeze till set.

Attach two candy eyeballs to outside edge of the top of each brownie circle

(use melted chocolate to attach).

Poke 8 holes in the top edge of each circle (4 on each side) and insert a chow mein noodle in each hole for the legs.

Enjoy the finished product, but remember, what the spiders look like should be far less important than the process of making them. Have fun with your child. Encourage her to help you clean up before sampling the spiders. Hand her a wet paper towel and she will likely be delighted to “help” you wipe up the counter or table. And what a super reward afterwards!

A fun little ditty you can use during this season:

With my little bag,
I go up the street,
I knock on the door,
And shout, “Trick or Treat.”

Love your child unconditionally. Always remind her that you love HER even when you don’t like what she has done. Happy parenting!

© 2013 Brenda Holland-Robinson

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