
Get It Together

   Written by on February 27, 2014 at 12:15 pm

Life with an infant, a creeper, toddler, or preschooler can get very stressful at times even under the very best of circumstances. Here are some simple things you can do to reduce stress:

• Dance. Turn the tunes up and dance like no one is watching. Physical activity is known to reduce bad stress. And dancing is FUN! Make your wee one a part of the action.

logo-wee-notes• Walk. The weather will be turning soon. Get out of the house WITH your baby. She can have cabin fever, too, you know.

• Talk. Confide in a close family member or friend. Explain how you are feeling. Sometimes, just saying out loud how you are feeling can make your troubles seem more manageable.

• Breathe. Take some deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and blow it out slowly through your lips as if you are blowing out a candle.

• Sleep. Go to bed earlier. We want our children to develop healthy habits and they learn what they live. Strive for eight hours each night.

• Focus. There are things you can control. Likewise, there are things over which you have little to no control. Deal with the things you can and try to release those you can’t.

• Reminisce. There have been many good times in your life. Consider those times. Even if you must pull out some picture albums to remind you.

• Hug. It’s great to give hugs. But, perhaps more importantly, you should ask for hugs when you need that personal touch during stressful situations.

• Observe. When your life becomes the most challenging, it may be just the time to do something for someone else. When we improve someone else’s life, ours gets better.

• Smile. If looking “down-in-the-dumps” makes you feel better and less stressed, by all means, do it. But, something tells me, the opposite is true. Try smiling a big smile as you go about your day. Others will smile back at you and that will improve your mood.

As you can see, these suggestions are simple, easy, and cost nothing. However, they may reap grand benefits for you and your loved ones. It’s worth a try.

How about you? What have you learned to do that lifts your spirits, reduces your stress level, and improves your frame of mind? I would love for you to share those with the bigger audience.

I can be reached at this newspaper, via email, by cell phone 434-941-2837, or by writing 164 Walton Road, Keysville, VA 23947. Thanks for reading. Happy parenting!

©2014 Brenda Holland-Robinson

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