
Charlotte Boards Hold Joint Meeting

   Written by on August 23, 2013 at 10:48 am

School System Audit Issues Discussed

At the request of Charlotte County Board of Supervisor’s Chairman Nancy Carwile, the School Board and the Board of Supervisors held a called meeting on Monday evening, August 19, to discuss the recent school audit.

School Board Chairman Ned Locke explained that although the schools have a financial audit every year this audit was in more detail and involved procedure as well as financial issues.  Previous audits “have not been as thorough as the one that just took place.”

Locke went on to say that many of the issues identified in the audit were in the process of being addressed before the audit took place.

Superintendent Nancy Leonard began by commending the School Board Office staff for their work and ability and thanked County Treasurer Patricia Berkeley for her “continued partnership and assistance.” Leonard then reiterated the written policy enacted by the School Board in response to the audit. That policy was printed in its entirety in last week’s Southside Messenger.

Leonard ended her presentation saying, “Charlotte County Schools are committed to transparency, committed to documentation, committed to accuracy and will have a renewed focus on adhering to policy.”

County Treasurer Patricia Berkeley addressed the boards stating that although financial records have always been available to officials, she had been working on mid-month, monthly and quarterly reports to be sent to the School Board and Board of Supervisors.

Supervisors then took the opportunity to suggest changes in how the school system is operated. Garland (Butch) Hamlet questioned the use of No Child Left Behind funds for the project-based learning seminar held in San Diego last year. Nancy Carwile requested clarification of the travel policy, Dave Guill and Joe Carey questioned the use of contract custodial and food services and Gary Walker encouraged actively tracking and soliciting county students and residents when openings in the school system occur.

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