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No, the title of this article is not a case of having fingers on the wrong keys. If you can’t identify it, perhaps you are not the…

Another Grand-brat, Names and Why My G-brats are Superior

Another Grand-brat, Names and Why My G-brats are Superior

With a fourth Grand-brat due any day now I am often asked if I want him to be named after me.  What a silly question.  Who would…

Repent and “… I Will Hear From Heaven”

Repent and “… I Will Hear From Heaven”

How unfortunate that one who has tasted the joy, peace, and hope of following Christ, should fall away from that state of salvation.  However, such falling away…



The alarm went off at 4 a.m. Up, shower, dress, packed, and then scoot to the airport, a hop from Raleigh to New York, then a trans-Atlantic…

New Year Traditions

New Year Traditions

In cultures around the world, the New Year brings special traditions.  Many of our holiday customs come from the ancient Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.  In these lands,…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Your Marriage

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Your Marriage

Have you ever found you and your spouse arguing other over something minor?  Have you asked if this meant your marriage is in danger?  Do you wonder…

Think Tropical

Think Tropical

It’s cold. Think warm, think tropical, think citrus. If you can’t pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and just go south, you could bring…

Power Not-ages, Coffee Pots and Generators

Power Not-ages, Coffee Pots and Generators

There are several terms frequently used by Television and Newspaper people that annoy me.  When this article is proofed, I will be asked, “Is it the terms…

What Happens In Heaven

What Happens In Heaven

Apparently the following story has been traveling on the internet for several years and this reporter received it this week.  I couldn’t let it go by without…

Truth Is the Roadmap Leading to Eternal Life

Truth Is the Roadmap Leading to Eternal Life

The ancient city of Ephesus, Greece, was one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the world during the first century A.D. This seaport had great…