
Being Positive Goes a Long Way

   Written by on May 19, 2014 at 8:33 am

Have you ever heard that it’s easier to catch an ant with sugar than with vinegar? Or that a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down? Think about how much easier it is to hear criticism when it is preceded with some positives.

logo-wee-notesIf we respond better to these, how much more might we expect a baby to respond in a positive way by being positive with them? I had to be really creative in my preschool day care most of the time, but especially when those squirmy little ones hit crawling stage and it was time for diaper changes.

If you have ever tried to change a baby when the baby has a completely different idea, you know what I’m talking about. What to do? What to do? What to do?!

First, try taping a bright picture near your changing area. Rotate the picture often so your baby doesn’t get bored with it. Point to different areas of the picture and ask questions: I see a dog. What sound does a dog make? Give information: I see a big red balloon. Store several small toys with your changing supplies and offer one each time you change a diaper.

Sing songs: My older daughter would listen to “Sing a Song of Sixpence” as long as someone would sing it to her. She was very young when she would request, “Ding dong, Mommy, ding dong. It took me a while to figure out she was asking me to “Sing Song.” It took some false starts before I understood she was asking for her favorite song.

Recite Poems: Zzzzip, zzzzip, zzzzip, off it goes! I see baby without clothes. Zzzzip, zzzzip, zzzzip, what do I see? Diaper on, one-two-three! Watch for your wee one to attempt to say ‘zip’.

© 2011 Brenda Holland-Robinson

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