
Ban on Roaming Livestock to be Proposed

   Written by on March 3, 2017 at 1:05 pm

Staff Report

The Charlotte County Board of Supervisors is set to hold a public hearing on an ordinance that will change how livestock is kept.

The county is proposing a fence law that will prohibit the running of livestock at large. If passed it will be unlawful for farmers to allow their livestock to roam past the owners’ property lines.

Currently in Charlotte County, farmers may let their livestock roam free.

Animals such as cattle and horses and any other four-legged or hooved animals will be included if the new ordinance passes.

The Charlotte County Cattleman’s Association met earlier this week and are in opposition to the proposed ordinance.

Some farmers say if adopted the ordinance will place even more hardship on them, as it is already hard to maintain livestock on farms.

Others who are in favor of the ordinance say that farmers should be responsible for their animals.

The public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for March 13 at 6 p.m. at the Charlotte County Administration Office.

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