
A Rant on Free Speech and Consequences

   Written by on December 24, 2013 at 9:00 am

A reader just called and asked me to “rant” about Phil Robertson being kicked off of A&E. First of all I never rant. I offer thought-provoking editorials which often criticize, but I never rant. On the other hand if you disagree with one of my editorials you would consider it a rant.

logo-editorialSince I have never seen A&E, Duck Dynasty or Phil Robertson I cannot comment on specifics. So I will do what I do best and offend and annoy those on both sides of the issue.

As a capitalist and an American I support Robertson’s right to voice any opinions he chooses. I also support A&E’s right to fire any employee at any time. However, all actions have consequences and both Robertson and A&E will face consequences for their actions. That being said this situation reveals many conflicting issues.

We often hear comments about “The Liberal Media” as if all media is liberal. When people disagree with a media source the first thing they attack is perceived Liberal or Conservative bias. I have been accused of being a Pinko American-hating liberal AND I have been accused of being a Kool-Aid drinking Bible Thumping Conservative.

As an interesting note when letter writers call names, apply labels or use profanity the letters usually include no facts.

This particular newspaper, The Southside Messenger, was founded as a Conservative, Constitutional, Christian, Capitalist enterprise with a mission of reporting the facts. We report the news as it happens. On the other hand, our editorials will be Conservative, Constitutional, Christian and Capitalist since that is who we are but we are always happy to present opposing opinions and criticism if you send them to us.

I do find it interesting that some (possibly liberal) media sources have captioned alleged news articles on Robertson with headlines like “Robertson Makes Shockingly Vile Anti-Gay Comments” and “Robertson Suspended Over Vulgar Anti-Gay Comments.” These are only appropriate headlines for editorials, certainly not news articles.

So here is my rant on the media frenzy regarding Robertson’s comments. The people who will say in one sentence that gays have a right to any lifestyle they choose will deny that same right to Robertson. The people who defend (what I consider offensive) free speech will deny Robertson the same right of (what they consider offensive) free speech.

There are people who insist that a woman has a right to all decisions regarding her own body (especially an unborn child) but will support laws preventing her from smoking, driving without a seatbelt, drinking large soft drinks, eating trans fats, choosing her own doctor and planning her own retirement because THEY want to control THOSE choices regarding her own body for her.

I was recently accused of being a “Bible thumper” because this newspaper has religious articles. I was accused of “forcing my beliefs” down other’s throats. I responded that like every article in a newspaper you are free to choose which you read. We offer a buffet. You make the choices.

I often see food I wouldn’t eat on a buffet. I don’t complain, I don’t ask for it to be removed, I don’t demand a buffet that only contains food I like. Until the server actually forces me to eat it or I force you to read an article no one has been coerced. It is called freedom of choice.

Robertson has the same freedom of choice. He should be able to offer his opinion on any topic. He should expect consequences for that choice. A&E also made a choice and should expect consequences.

You, the public, control those consequences. You will vote with your dollars and your time. I suspect many of the fans of Duck Dynasty will agree with Robertson. In all probability those complaining do not watch the show. They simply want to control those whose opinions offend them.

Regardless of the knee-jerk response by A&E their goal is profit. If the public response affects their bottom line negatively they will beg Robertson to return. If it doesn’t they won’t.

That is the great thing about capitalism. The consumer controls the market because they have the right to choose what they will consume.

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