
   Written by on September 11, 2014 at 12:38 pm

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Well, pare me down and call me a tater. We’ve got us a big problem here in Stump County. Unless this is your first visit here you already know Stump County is an imaginary place with imaginary folks who are living about a hundred years behind the real world.

Here in Stump County, just like in the real world there are some folk who just don’t trust science.  Now, there is a big dadgummed difference between scientific facts and science.  Facts are true. F’rinstance, the earth is sort of round and lumpy like my Aunt Addie. Both of those are facts. Air is mostly nitrogen with some oxygen and some other stuff. That’s a fact.

Well, there are some folks who take some science and call everyone who doesn’t agree with them stupid. Keeping in mind it is about 1914 here we’re dealing with the science of climate change.  The scientists say the earth is cooling and that is our fault. They say (and if you don’t believe me just find a 1914 science book) that burning wood and coal is filling the air with smoke that is going to block the sun and the whole dadgum world is going to end up a big ice ball.

Those of us who try to question that are called ignorant and other names. That just ain’t science, folks, that’s politics. The funny thing is everyone who is all cranked up with global cooling has figured out a way to make money by promoting it. I need to get in touch with that Averett guy in the real world and ask him how much colder it has gotten by 2014.

Anyway, Old Doc just bought a new set of medical books called “A personal guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies.” There are four volumes written by W. Grand Hague M.D.  Doc Hague is a member of the American Medical Association, the college of Physicians and Surgeons and some other groups. He has great credentials.

Anyway, I thought I’d share some of his advice to you folks up there in 2014. You can let me know if our science is science or just some self-serving money making bull.

He starts out stating the best age for marriage and having kids. Remember this is science folks, documented by studies and facts.  In 100 years someone is going to be laughing at YOUR science.

If you enjoyed these and would like more let me know. I have four volumes of the latest and greatest science I can share.  You can write me in care of The Southside Messenger, P.O. Box 849, Keysville, VA 23947 or email






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