
Home » 2017 » August (Page 10)

Lunenburg Schools Preparing for Start of a New Academic Year

LUNENBURG – Summer vacation has flown by for area students and a return to school is just over a couple of weeks away.  Lunenburg County Public Schools…

National Night Out Highlights Community Camaraderie

National Night Out Highlights Community  Camaraderie

VICTORIA – The National Night Out event on August 1, 2017 in the Victoria Railroad Park was a big hit as many area residents joined organizers and…

Excuses for Rejecting Eternal Life

Excuses for Rejecting Eternal Life

SluggardsLazinessProcrastinationExcuses Who among us has never used an excuse? Probably none!  What is an excuse?  Simply put, it is a fake, hollow statement given for not wanting…

Radical Inclusion

Radical Inclusion

In the early 1960s, racial tensions were at a great height, with sit-ins and demonstrations taking place around the country to protest segregation.  On May 6, 1960,…

Farmville Legion Post Establishes Junior Auxiliary

Farmville Legion Post Establishes Junior Auxiliary

The Jack Garland American Legion Post #32 of Farmville recently started the American Legion Junior. Membership is open to girls from youth through age 17. Junior Auxiliary…

Randolph-Henry High School Alumni Hold Reunion

Randolph-Henry High School Alumni Hold Reunion

Several classes came together last Saturday to reminice about their days at R-HHS. above left,  Class of 1968, back row: David Lucado, David Carson, Tony Roach, Butch…

Let’s Have Fun

Let’s Have Fun

Too many people go around each day with sad expressions on their faces.  This reporter decided to brighten up her article of the week with a few…

Toes, Colons and G-brats

Toes, Colons and G-brats

Last week we went to the beach with the family and Grand-brats. It wasn’t a good time for us to leave but the house rental was paid…

Reducing Stress and Finishing Well

Reducing Stress and Finishing Well

Beginning well is a momentary thing; finishing well is a lifelong thing.  Ravi Zacharias We all want to finish well.  So what hinders us from finishing well? …

Letters to the Editor

Prepare to Lose Your Guns Many of us hunt, fish and own guns. Are you ready for that to be illegal? You say it could not happen…